Things I care for

Third Block Community

The Third Block Community (TBC) is a new web3 tech-oriented community to encourage and support blockchain technology enthusiasts. Blockchain is bringing about an inevitable change in the way we look at technology, security, and business. It’s truly connecting people and creating an ecosystem of decentralized governance, giving people the power to make their own decisions. This is a clear disruption of the existing centralized ecosystem of governance, and the Masters’ Union was built on pillars of disruption and innovation. We truly believe in the power of blockchain technology and the ideology behind it.We aim to empower the community to explore the power of blockchain to innovate and implement business use cases. Cohort 23 is the third child of Masters Union School of Business, and there can’t be a better time to kickstart a community for Web3. The name ThirdBlockCommunity draws the parallelism between the third cohort and the third generation of the web. The Third Block signifies the third generation in the chain of MUSB.


TEDxCRCE brings together a collection of doers, thinkers, innovators, explorers, visionaries, teachers, learners and seeks to illuminate, inspire, change perceptions, incite action and foster new connections. TEDxCRCE strives to recreate the unique experience found at TED, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers congregate to share what they are most passionate about. We aim to provide a platform where the smartest thinkers, greatest visionaries, and most fascinating teachers will be inspired and will have the opportunity to inspire others. I was organizer and curator of TEDxCRCE and conducted three edition of official recorded TEDx talks. you can watch them here.

Rotibank Foundation

Rotibank Foundation is a Mumbai based food rescue non-profit organization. It was started in 2017, by Ex-DGP of Maharashtra, Mr. D. Sivanandan. I had a privilege to be part of the founding team at Rotbank and I have never been more proud of anything else. We had started from 2 vans running across north mumbai collecting excess food from hotels, cafes and banquets; and we are today operating multiple vans across Mumbai. We have Rotibank chapters in different cities across India like Ara, Hyderabad, Nagpur etc. We have distributed 1Cr+ meals so far and we are going strong. I was helping team in logistics and technology. We created multiple technical projects by collaborating with educational institutes in Mumbai. Read more about it here.


I got associated with TFI in my third year of engineering when I did an internship with TFI tech team. My love for the TFI grew so much that I did my final year engineering project with them. I created a formative assessment application for them. I also became a campus ambassador for their fellowship program. This is the picture of our team after we completed our final presentation at my college.

In 2021 March, I got connected to Vivek Choksi (A very kind soul) who was then working on a very noble cause to make technology education accessible to all. We believe a parent's qualification or financial status should not determine a child's access to quality computer education. We went from 30 kids cohort to 200 kids cohort in span of 3 months with 50 Coding4All Fellows spread across globe. We are not a non-profit, we are just bunch of engineers teaching tech to other small engineers, and we love it :)

Force For Good

I was part of JPMorgan's CSR arm Force for Good for 2 straight years from 2018-2020. We delivered a Food donation application for Annadhan Welfare Foundation and a Lead Management software for Yuvaparivartan. This is our team picture from our very first kick off session:)