This is my old Portfolio

Me when it was . . .



Connecting brain with computers Dope ass Mind controlled X-men Tech, Cooool, ik :P

I have joined Nexstem as Head of Strategy and we are currently developing nexgen Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI). NexStem pioneers neuroscience via innovative brain-computer interfaces, offering real-time bio-signal insights, onboard computing power, and a developer-friendly interface to create an ecosystem for BCI use case development.
It's really interesting to see how we have been customizing product and services to individual levels and up until now all of the inputs has been draw out of insights and observations. But what if I tell you, your brain can tell you exactly what you need and what can make you feel better. It's about time we listen to our human body to take inputs instead of drawing insights from external inputs. I'm pretty sure BCI tech is going to be everyday phenomena in near future and mind controlled tech is no more sci-fi. Watch out for Nexstem :P

2022 - Present

Masters' Union

Post Graduate Program in Technology & Business Management pffft.... aka MBA (Actually, I'm done with it.)

Currently, I am pursuing my post grad in the long ass degree mentioned above from one of very cool b-school of India, Masters' Union. It's a startup school located at heart of India. I am a developer trying to do bit of product management, Marketing & Strategy here and you know what ? I'm not bad at all :P

I have done crazy things here in very short span of time. Like creating business in 4 weeks, 2 weeks and Sometimes 2 days (It's not rocket science). I also developed a Web3 community for non-techies called Third Block Community here, we do crazy things everything around Web3 and Blockchain. Drop a hi if you would want to know more (Always up for chat). I am also Part of External Projects at Masters Union Innovation Lab (A University Incubator), We help student founders to take their business from idea to Pre-seed phase and help then innovate cool things.

2021 - 2022



I joined a US based startup as first engineer hire from India, worked as fullstack engineer on a trade finance AI application, implemented interbank API contracts for big banks. Since I already had a good exposure to JP Morgan's technology, I helped TradeSun to implement an communications contract to integrate Astra (TradeSun's patent AI platform) with JPMC's operations platform. Meanwhile I also implemented a task management system to streamline team collaboration and my team loved it! Since we worked remotely, we didn't get many opportunities to hangout together. Here's a picture when we did :)

In 2021 March, I got connected to Vivek Choksi (A very kind soul) who was then working on a very noble cause to make technology education accessible to all. We believe a parent's qualification or financial status should not determine a child's access to quality computer education. We went from 30 kids cohort to 200 kids cohort in span of 3 months with 50 Coding4All Fellows spread across globe. We are not a non-profit, we are just bunch of engineers teaching tech to other small engineers, and we love it :)

2018 - 2021

JP Morgan & Chase

Developed Pricing, Interest Calculation, Reference Data and Approval Service which handled 15M transactions daily. Implemented a self recovering, fault-tolerant pricing app, cutting down pay out rate creation time to 8 mins from 7 days
As a Product Owner Led team of 17 engineers globally for a gamification project. Converted a zero funding POC into new hire development platform with 5K monthly active users, launched officially by CIO of JP Morgan Ms. Lori Beer. Cool Stuff!
As en Expert Engineer Delivered 2 CSR projects, an app for the food waste management for Annadhan Foundation and a lead management software for Yuvaparivartan, KSWA

Rotibank Foundation

This one is very close to my heart because I was a founding team member of Rotibank Foundation. Mr. D Sivanandan, Ex-DGP of Maharashtra is the founder of this social initiative and when he shared his vision for this noble cause to eradicate hunger crisis in India, I couldn't resist. When we started in 2017, we designed a strategy for operations and logistics to reach 3M meals distribution mark in 3 years of inception. We did this through designing community-driven initiative which helped us to support sub-entities in Nagpur, Aara, Hyderabad serving 5K meals per day each. I was also spearheading technical projects for Rotibank, We created POC for a operations application, a food testing hardware, everything with the help of university collaborations. I am still working passively for Rotibank :)

2014 - 2018

Bachelor of Computer Engineering

Did Computer Engineering and became software engineer at bank like real majority of Indians. Apart from techie stuff, started taking interest in event management and became Curator of TEDxCRCE (Kinda sorta very proud stuff). I did my internship with Teach For India, and developed a very cool app for them to do formative assessments realtime. Also did couple (many) Coursera Certifications, no biggie (hehe).


TEDxCRCE is a community very close to my heart as I have been part of this team from zero to one. We started TEDx as one of the very first university chapter in Mumbai. We organized 3 recorded edition of TEDxCRCE, many salon events and we built a social community of engineers who helped many NGOs like Ratnanidhi Foundation, Fr. Agnel Ashram, Mumbai Police and many. This chapter of my life has been instrumental in my growth for many reasons and I'll always wear this as badge of honour.

Before 2014

I was underperforming non-prodigy kid back then

please stop clicking everything you see.

How can I help you ?

Product design & Marketing

I have been a Fullstack Developer, Designer, Business Analyst, Information Architect and Product Owner in my previous jobs and now After MBA I'm dead serious about creating kickass products. I can help you ideate, design, and prototyping your products. Also, I can create GTMs for products too, just saying :P

Technology Consulting

I'd say I'm decent in understanding technology (I got paid to code cool shit for 4 years, crazy I know). I can help you with Information architecture, fullstack app development and digital transformation in general. I am also a BIG TIME BLOCKCHAIN GEEK. so I can help you understand and design use cases for your business.

Social Work

I have been involved in social landscape in different capacities since 2010 and I am proud of the things I have done :) I can help you understand the social sectors, building social communities, implementing projects and outreach programs. You can see my social involvement here.

Career counselling & Resume

Early in my life, I was not fortunate enough to get the guidance I needed to do well in career and I don't wish the same for anybody. If you are someone who seeks career counselling or just a friendly advise in career/college/domain or you just want someone to look at your resume, I would be happy to help:)

Nice things people have to say about me ..

Pratham Mittal

Founder, Masters' Union

Abhishek is one of Masters' Union's most prized students! He has truly left a mark on the community here! I have been consistently impressed by his dedication, leadership skills, and hustle. Abhishek has a remarkable ability to bring people together and inspire them towards a common goal, and he has been a valuable member of our community since day one. Abhishek has a natural talent for leadership and entrepreneurship. His enthusiasm, creativity, and strategic thinking have been evident in several initiatives that he has spearheaded at Masters Union. Be it Third Block Community, StockUp, or any other initiative, he truly embodies the most spoken quality of Masters Union, "learning business by doing business". Along with his blockchain and technical expertise, he has demonstrated great competence in business strategy and marketing through his initiatives. In addition to his impressive academic and leadership achievements, Abhishek has great potential in entrepreneurship and has shown a natural aptitude for identifying opportunities and taking calculated risks. I am confident that Abhishek will excel in any role that he takes on in the future. He is a motivated, talented, and dedicated individual who has a passion for learning and making a positive impact in the world. I highly recommend Abhishek without reservation, and I look forward to seeing great things from him.

Bhagyashree Aithal

Vice President, JP Morgan & chase

Have worked with Abhishek since his first day at JP Morgan and it has been nothing less than impressive to see how he evolved as a Fresh Engineer pass out to a mature application developer. His eye for details and the ‘can do’ attitude has always worked for the team and for the project. He is extremely confident , non hesitant in asking the right questions, very open in accepting feedback and an extremely good team player. When presented an opportunity, he has demonstrated capability to independently handle modules with minimal supervision. It was commendable to see Abhishek multi- task professional responsibilities along with many CSR activities. It truly was a pleasure working with Abhishek for over 3 years and I wish him all the very best in all his future endeavour. He has a lot of potential and I hope he finds his true calling !! Good Luck!

Vijaya Kadiyala

Executive Director, Platform Lead

Abhishek and I worked as part of one stretch assignment. This assignment lasted for 8 months. This is one of the ambitious assignment of building a Gamification platform to increase employee engagement. We had a team of 16 engineers across geographies. Abhishek started as an Agility Lead (i.e., Scrum Master), but in a very short span he got complete control on all the phases from requirements to implementation. Initially my role was Product Owner, but looking at his capabilities and attitude towards work, I handed over the role of Product Owner to Abhishek. He is so good in leading the team and motivating it, driving the team in right direction and delivered the first Gamification platform. Our Global CIO officially launched this which proves our success. I would always love to work with him and he is an asset to any team.